The St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group
London Support Repository
Please contact:
E. Kt. Rev'd Niall Johnston Dep.Gt.Alm. - Provincial Prelate (London)
E. Kt. Vernon King P.Gt.W. of R. - Provincial Vice Chancellor (London)
If you are new to London Support, you may find the Overview Booklet particularly useful as an introduction to the support available to you. It can also be found under 'General Information'. Please click here.
Within the Province of London, there are many Knights who are interested and enthusiastic about the work of the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. It is important that the information passed around the Province is correct, current and consistent among the Preceptories, and so we have established a Repository of facts and figures as well as the latest updates from Jerusalem, Charterhouse and other Provinces. The key role of London Support is to "Promote, Educate and Disseminate" information around the Province and to act as support for any charity work undertaken, as well as providing additional information as to the effectiveness of the donations made.
Below you will find documents, videos, interviews as well as tips on making speeches and ideas you can use at any time. Take a browse through and feel free to download anything you need. If you have any questions, then please contact the London Support team on sjehgsupport@londonknightstemplar.com